Lot 15c: PAM-03 The Armadillo – Pamô

Like the Jaguar, the Armadillo is also segmented in smaller constellations – the Armadillo's head, body, and tail, plus a "star that guides the armadillo." This division is also present in the social organization system of the Tukano people, the ethnic group observed the Pamô constellation. Among the Tukanos, groups of the higher hierarchy are called the "heads" of the community, and lower levels are called the "tails," being the "body" level in between.

Lot Description

Reference Number:15c
Opening Bid:$16.00/lb
무게:159.75 lbs
Process:Pulped Anaerobic Fermentation

Coffee details


Aroma: Coffee blossom, citric fruits, honey

Flavors: Yellow citric fruits, peach, black tea. Lactic and Citric Acidity

Plot: BV 145

Screen Size: 12+


Farm details

Farm Name: Daterra Coffee
Region: Cerrado, Brazil
Town: Patrocínio, Minas Gerais

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