Lot 13b: JOY-03 Joykexo – The Beautiful Woman

The Joykexo corresponds to Orion's Belt and is one of the most easily identifiable constellations in the Brazilian sky. The Joykexo represents a beautiful woman, a symbol of fertility. It's also a geographic orientation tool – Joykexo rises in the east and sets in the West. To some cultures, Joykexo also represents the path followed by the dead.

Lot Description

Reference Number:13b
Opening Bid:$16.00/lb
入札単位 :$0.10
重量 :48.4 lbs
プロセス:Natural Anaerobic Fermentation

Coffee details

説明 :

Aroma: Floral, berries, ripe fruits

Flavors: Green grapes, sparkling wine, green apple, berries, pineapple, strawberry yogurt. Phosphoric and malic acidity.

Plot: TB 13

Screen Size: 12+

Boxes: 2


Farm Name: Daterra Coffee
Region: Cerrado, Brazil
Town: Patrocínio, Minas Gerais


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