Lot 4c: GUA-04 Guaxu – The Deer

In this constellation, the Deer is pictured with its head down, close to floor level, for a good reason. The Guarani legend says that the Deer received a mission from Nhanderú, the God that created the world: "you must cross this swamp as fast as you can, and you shouldn't stop for any reason," said Nhanderú. The Deer took the mission obediently. While running, the Deer saw a small frog trapped in the mud, close to drowning. The Deer felt torn between helping the frog and obeying Nhanderú, but eventually decided to lower its head so the frog could reach the antlers, saving the little one. As the frog tried to say thank you, the Deer hushed, "I'm sorry, but I can't talk right now; I must keep moving!". "Look at me," said the frog to the rushed Deer. The frog was Nhanderú himself, in disguise. "This was a test, and you passed. Come with me to the sky". Since then, the Deer constellation has become a symbol of solidarity and compassion – this story teaches that nothing is more important than helping those in need. The appearance of the Deer in the sky marks the end of summer, meaning that more than ever, the community must cooperate through challenging times.

Lot Description

Reference Number:4c
Opening Bid:$16.00/lb
入札単位 :$0.10
重量 :159.75 lbs
プロセス:Natural Anaerobic Fermentation

Coffee details

説明 :

Aroma: Coffee blossom, strawberry, thyme

Flavors: Peach, clericot, strawberry, watermelon, sugar cane. Lactic and Phosphoric acidity

Plot: BV 40

Screen Size: 16/18

Boxes: 3


Farm Name: Daterra Coffee
Region: Cerrado, Brazil
Town: Patrocínio, Minas Gerais


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